Sudan: Upcoming MSF Report on Sudan Crisis - Media Briefing on Monday

Amid humanitarian void, MSF scales-up distribution of essential supplies to Sudanese Refugees in Eastern Chad

FLASH QUOTE | Critical shortage of medical supplies in MSF-supported facilities across Gaza

Latest massacres in Gaza illustrate the complete dehumanisation of Palestinians

MSF reaction to the Knesset vote on a preliminary bill to designate UNRWA as a terrorist organisation

Yet another hospital in Gaza forced to close amid the intensified Israeli offensive in Rafah

The intensification of the onslaught by the Israeli forces in Rafah, Gaza, has forced Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to stop providing lifesaving care at Rafah Indonesian Field hospital on 12 May. The 22 patients who remained in the hospital have been referred to other facilities, as we can no longer guarantee their safety. MSF has seen a pattern of systematic attacks against medical facilities and civilian infrastructure since the beginning of the war. In light of this, as well as the advancing offensive, we have made the decision to leave Rafah Indonesian Field hospital.

Thousands forced to flee as Israeli military offensive intensifies and aid is blocked in Rafah

Israeli forces have begun their offensive on Rafah and have seized control of the border, effectively cutting off lifesaving aid deliveries into the Gaza Strip. As thousands of Palestinians are forced to flee eastern Rafah following Israel's recent evacuation orders, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls for protection of civilians and the reopening of the Rafah border crossing.

MSF report denounces Gaza’s “silent killings” from preventable disease and lack of access to medical care

Gaza’s healthcare system has been devastated, with men, women and children at increasing risk of acute malnutrition and with their physical and mental health deteriorating rapidly, according to a report released today by international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) entitled Gaza’s Silent Killings: The destruction of the healthcare system and the struggle for survival in Rafah.

Sudan is facing a colossal man-made catastrophe: MSF calls for an urgent, rapid scale-up of the humanitarian response

MSF calls for urgent action as hepatitis E spreads through Sudanese refugee camps in Chad

About MSF Switzerland

MSF Switzerland
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is a worldwide movement of current and former field staff, grouped into national and regional associations. Collectively, they make sure that MSF stays true to its mission and principles.

MSF associations

Currently, there are 24 associations. All are independent legal entities, and each elects its own board of directors and president. Most associations have an executive office that raises funds and recruits staff for MSF’s operations.